Thursday, April 22, 2010

February 14th 2010

Happy Birthday Simon Pegg!
The big four oh!
Although you do not seem that age
you are geting mighty old.
Shaela and I did the math and calculated your time zone.
And thought at this moment in life you were making sweet love to your wife.

February 13th 2010

Today is a wonderful day not only for the fact
that it is the day before Valentines Day or Simon Pegg's birthday.
Today is a grand ol' day because it's my birthday
and I have turned into an old fart...20 years.

February 12th 2010

A celebration of two decades of Sarah Mother Fucking Daives happened tonight!
T'was a birthday party we got drunk and drummed and danced and drew.
Cap Guns fired and we all got excited.
All because of me and the great accuse of having a party.

February 9th 2010

Tonight I did not partake in tie tuesday
I had better things to do.
Kyle and I shot footage for a secrete movie we are making.

February 3st 2010

Our textiles are due! I made a pillow it was green with orange guns the class they loved it!
I talked about that movie I love so and explained the bet that Shaela and I have made!

February 3st 2010

february 2st 2010

Tie Tuesday was low key I had to work on my project it did not go smoothy,
then I understood and got it right
oh and Shaela, Raychul, Pat and Adam came over to watch Star Trek.
Picard got taken by the Borg OH NO!

February 1st 2010

I stayed at school late working on my repeat print it was pretty fun.
We discovered a radio station in which Alice Cooper was on
he played good tunes and talked a lot
he knows a lot of information on Malwalki, Groundhog Day and what not.

January 29 2010

Shopping with Jin so much fun we went to Oakville Sew but did not have none.
The we went to fabric land where I found fabric with trees and plain green for my guns.
Later that night I went to the school
I ran into David Jenkins and watched Jersey Shore.

January 28 2010

Happy Birthday to my pa!
I gave him a ring on the telephone.
He was not there to receive my call.
Although he called me back and I told him that I ate cake and thought of him
he figured out I just did not buy it for his birthday which is true
but I did not tell him that Tony told me to. (buy the cake)

January 26 2010

Tie Tuesday was today we dressed up as The Shinning cast
and ran down halls and through the wood.
We went to Rabba's they thought we were nuts
although I am sure they experience some crazy shit but nothing quite like us.

January 12 2010

I now work tuesdays, on the way towork I ran into a friend of mine, he is a british man.
After work I went over to his place we watched Rushmore, and point Break it was pretty grand.
We ended the night with some Dark Knight, I slept on his couch.

Janurary 11th 2010

Back to school after three whole weeks man they went fast.
A new semester has arrived new classes all the better.
Digital Tech, 3D, Textiles, Dye Chem, Sewing and history and life drawing
this should all be fun.

Janurary 10th 2010

We all woke up Tyler, Eric, Sarah and Amber were all passed out on the futon!
Then we went to Denny's for breakfast/ Brunch and then off I dashed to work
I wanted to stay but work had to come and stopped my play!

January 9th 2010

Wonderful past days today again 1115 was a plan!
I met two tree planting guys Tyler and Eric we got really drunk
and ran around the building we kept getting in trouble.

January 8th 2010

Wonderfalls visit to see Miss Maggie Jo!
Me and Jin went on a bus we went all over to get to our destination.
There we visited the museum of wax and Rippley's
although seeing Maggie and Cammie was; the best!
Oh and of corse singing Wonderfalls oh Eric Gotts!

January 1st 2010

I got home in the middle of the night I was pretty drunk.
I made Sylvia a body, took pictures of myself and dressed up as Edgar Write.
I called Pitman and woke him up 2 hours behind not 5.
THen durning the day after I finally got up I watched more Simon Pegg stuff.

December 31 2009

This New Years started off with a marathon of simon Pegg movies then that was put on hiatuses.
I then went to the kings arms with Mike L and Justine we played pool and listened to Tim Lucas sing
and we then befriended him,
over all New Years was a success!
I had 2 Stellas.


One day this year Kay Tor gave me a planner at which I already had one and did not write in the one that I had so instead of starting writing my homework down and other important school related stuff in it or saying that I did not need one although I really wanted it for the soft soft paper that it was bound with I took it from her paw and decided to write a poem it every day of what I did that day. So in the future I can look back on it and remember what a great 2010 I had or just how lame I was when I was 20 years of age.

I did not get it right at the beginning of the year but I went back to the past days of 2010 and wrote "poems" to what I did that day if I remembered what went on or if I had already written it down somewhere.

Also not all of these poems rhyme they are mostly just little blurbs that I try to rhyme but call poems just what ever pops into my mind I say so here it goes.

Also this most likely will not be up dated every day so don't count on it.